Landing at 06.30.
Booby News: a young Irish Mr. Booby, in the adjoining seat, his elbow & leg twitching against mine for much of the flight, and the remaining parts of his body twitching within my personal atmosphere for the duration of the flight, was my Adjoining Seat Buddy from Washington to Heathrow. The take-off of our full flight was delayed because of short in-the-air travelling-time, so as not to breach Heathrow regs on landing before 06.00. So, we were also circling for a while over London. Landing to greyness & wetness, both characteristics of Heathrow even when the sun is shining & the sky is blue.
The protest against the airport’s expansion was not visible to my eyes, although the police presence seemed higher than usual. Heathrow is an astonishingly busy airport, and one I find unwelcoming & lacking congeniality. I know several hub airports, also busy, which seem prepared, even willing, to cater to travellers. But Heathrow is something else. It looks like a shopping mall, unprepared & unwilling to tolerate its subsidiary function as an airport; the atmosphere edgier than a shopping mall.
On the flight home, I read an FT article on the investigation & possible break-up of the BAA. The current ownership is Spanish, following a recent acquisition. What is the aim in acquiring control of British airports, I wonder?
A straightforward drive home in the rain. Home. Yippee! Even in the rain, the sun is shining! Yippee!
To bed at 10.45, rising at 15.30, the Minx will be home sometime early evening. An evening with the Minx! More Yippee!
23.15 Night falls on Bredonborough…